Creativity and Innovation Management in Higher Education

Experience Report CESIE Italy

The CIM learning programme is implemented at CESIE, a non-profit organisation active in the education and training sector. The CIM learning programme has been integrated into the internship in Project Management at CESIE which is characterized by learning by doing…

CIM Workshop in Palermo

A workshop as part of the CIM project took place in Palermo, Italy, from 9 to 13 December at the CNR premises. During the five-day course, the Design Thinking Process was used to develop new products and projects by working…

CIM Workshop in Thessaloniki

In September 2019, participants had the chance to take part in a design thinking workshop organised by master course students of the University Duisburg-Essen. The workshop took place at the Aristotle University in Thessaloniki, in conjunction with a partner meeting.…

CIM Survey

In the scope of the project’s first work package a  European wide survey on Creativity and Innovation Management in business and academia is being conducted. If you can spare 15 minutes of your time and you’re interested in contributing to…

Creativity and Innovation Management

CIM – this is the title of a new 2 year project, funded by the European Union. 16 partners out of 9 European countries will develop and test approaches how creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship can be part of university studies…