CIM Objectives
The acquisition of 21st century skills affords not only new learning concepts but also a new way of facilitation.
The Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliance Higher Education Project CIM (Promoting Creativity and Innovation Management in an innovative blended learning and validation programme at the interface between higher education and business) aimed at developing innovative teaching and learning approaches to include Creativity and Innovation Management in higher education (HE) and in practice. This was achieved with the help of an innovative, self-directed learning approach at the interface of higher education and business. The following steps were of great importance for the learners and teachers:
(1) Fostering the perception of (entrepreneurial) opportunities (opportunities that include the potential for value creation)
(2) Teaching methods for generating an innovative idea to solve a perceived problem
(3) Stimulating skills to evaluate the innovative ideas regarding usefulness, desirability, feasibility, legality, ethical-moral aspects etc.
(4) Supporting the implementation of new ideas
The project aimed at developing innovative teaching and learning approaches to include Creativity and Innovation Management (CIM) in HE and in practice, using a competence-oriented, constructive and self-directed learning approach at the interface between higher education and business.

The acquisition of 21st century skills affords not only new learning concepts but also a new way of facilitation. Both aspects (the trainers’ (“didactics”) and the learners’ (“mathetics”) approach have been combined in the “CIM approach of competence-oriented learning and validation”. Educational professionals in HEI and in businesses were enabled to plan and deliver the CIM learning modules in a learner centred and highly attractive way and also validated the competence development of the learners both in practical learning projects and internships.