Creativity and Innovation Management in Higher Education

CESIE is a European centre of studies and initiatives established in 2001, inspired by the work and theories of the sociologist Danilo Dolci (1924-1997). CESIE contributes, through the active participation of people, civil society and institutions, towards the promotion of growth and development, always valuing diversity. It links local, national and international contexts and is committed to stimulating development and change in cultural, educational and economic spheres through the creation and use of innovative tools and methods.

CESIE in numbers:

  • 4 operative seats (Italy, India, Nepal and Senegal)
  • 6 Units operating in specific areas accompanied by a Visibility and Communication team
  • 87 countries in CESIE’s cooperation network
  • 600 projects implemented since 2001

CESIE is career guidance and VET provider accredited by the Region of Sicily in the areas of Higher Education and Lifelong Learning.

The CIM project is managed by the Higher Education and Research Unit. Established in 2012, this Unit supports the development and internationalisation of education, science and research in Europe and partner countries. It implements a wide range of sectoral and transdisciplinary activities, based on the application of social research and formal/non-formal methods, aiming to:

  •  Contribute to the co-creation of innovations
  • Foster growth of (knowledge) society and
  • Support sustainable development of regions

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